Welcome to The BDNYC Data Archive’s documentation!

The BDNYC Data Archive is an advanced SQL relational database of published spectra, photometry and astrometry for over 1300 very low-mass stars, brown dwarfs and planetary mass objects.

The modules described in this documentation comprise a tool kit of classes, methods and functions useful for CRUD operations and analysis of data from The BDNYC Data Archive.

Getting Started

To install, just do:

pip install BDNYCdb

Then download the bdnyc198.db database file. This initial release contains the astrometry, photometry and spectra for the 198 objects in the Filippazzo et al. (2015) sample.


For access to the full dataset, an email request must be made to a BDNYC group admin.

Accessing the Database

To start using the database, launch iPython, import the module, then initialize the database with the BDdb.get_db() class like so:

from BDNYCdb import BDdb
db = BDdb.get_db('/path/to/bdnyc198.db')

Voila! You can see an inventory of all data for a specific source by passing a source_id to the inventory() method:


This will also plot all available spectra for that source for visual inspection if you set plot=True.

Querying the Database

Now that you have the database at your fingertips, you’ll want to get some info out of it. To do this, you can pass SQL queries wrapped in double-quotes (”) to the query() method:

data = db.query( "SQL_query_goes_here" )

Here is a detailed post about how to write a SQL query.

The result of a SQL query is a sequence of tuples with the data requested from each record. For example, we can get a source’s photometry from the PHOTOMETRY table with:

db.query("select band,magnitude from photometry where source_id=202")

which gives the output:

[('J', 13.526),('H', 12.807),('Ks', 12.503),('W1', 12.486),('W2', 12.386),('W3', 12.313),('W4', 8.525)]

Alternatively, we can have this data returned as a Python dictionary with:

db.query("select band,magnitude from photometry where source_id=202", DICT=True)

whose output looks like:

[{'band': 'J', 'magnitude': 13.526},{'band': 'H', 'magnitude': 12.807},{'band': 'Ks', 'magnitude': 12.503},{'band': 'W1', 'magnitude': 12.486},{'band': 'W2', 'magnitude': 12.386},{'band': 'W3', 'magnitude': 12.313},{'band': 'W4', 'magnitude': 8.525}]

Example Queries

Some SQL query examples to pass to the query() method (wrapped in double-quotes (”) of course) are:

  1. SELECT shortname, ra, dec FROM sources WHERE (222<ra AND ra<232) AND (5<dec AND dec<15)
  2. SELECT band, magnitude, magnitude_unc FROM photometry WHERE source_id=58
  3. SELECT source_id, band, magnitude FROM photometry WHERE band='z' AND magnitude<15
  4. SELECT wavelength, flux, unc FROM spectra WHERE observation_id=75

As you hopefully gathered:

  1. Returns the shortname, ra and dec of all objects in a 10 square degree patch of sky centered at RA = 227, DEC = 10
  2. Returns all the photometry and uncertainties available for object 58
  3. Returns all objects and z magnitudes with z less than 15
  4. Returns the wavelength, flux and uncertainty arrays for all spectra of object 75

The above examples are for querying individual tables only. We can query from multiple tables at the same time with the JOIN command like so:

  1. SELECT t.name, p.band, p.magnitude, p.magnitude_unc FROM telescopes as t JOIN photometry AS p ON p.telescope_id=t.id WHERE p.source_id=58
  2. SELECT p1.magnitude-p2.magnitude FROM photometry AS p1 JOIN photometry AS p2 ON p1.source_id=p2.source_id WHERE p1.band='J' AND p2.band='H'
  3. SELECT src.designation, src.unum, spt.spectral_type FROM sources AS src JOIN spectral_types AS spt ON spt.source_id=src.id WHERE spt.spectral_type>=10 AND spt.spectral_type<20 AND spt.regime='optical'
  4. SELECT s.id, p.parallax, p.parallax_unc, p.publication_id FROM sources as s JOIN parallaxes AS p ON p.source_id=s.id

As you may have gathered:

  1. Returns the telescope name, band and magnitude for all photometry of source 58
  2. Returns the J-H color for every object
  3. Returns the designation, U-number and optical spectral type for all L dwarfs
  4. Returns the parallax measurements and publications for all sources

Happy querying!